The Ragtime Gals are part of the Jimmy Fallon Race Through New York ride at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. If you haven't been on the Race through New York ride yet then it's not to be missed.
The whole ride is set-up as if you are going to the NBC head office in New York, you enter via the lobby and are taken to a waiting area where the Ragtime Gals perform live on stage.
The waiting times vary depending on how busy the ride is and you are given a coloured card. Then as the colours change you move from one waiting area to another. From memory I think there are four waiting areas, the Ragtime Gals are in the third area.
The Ragtime Gals at Jimmy Fallon's Race Through New York
As you can see from the video above they are great fun and really make the whole ride come to life. The actual ride a 3D simulator ride which is really very good but for me the highlight is the Ragtime Gals pre-show!